Sunday, February 8, 2009


I used to live in this little shithole hovel of a house downtown in the hood. Everyone around was doing meth and stealing shit from each other. There was trash in the alley out back, and it stunk. My landlord, Gary, I like to call him Gay-ree, (you'll soon see why,) was there to collect that months rent.

I was on the porch talkin' with Gay-ree, and somehow the conversation took a wrong turn and went something like this.....

Gay-ree - One night, I was pretty drunk and I passed out on the couch at some guys house that I had met at the bar. I woke up in the middle of the night and looked down, and there he was between my legs, sucking my dick.

Me - What did you do? Punch him in his fucking face?

Gay-ree - Naw, I let him finish.

Me - What the fuck?

Gay-ree - Well, the way I figure it, a mouth's a mouth.

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